Stock: To Buy or NOT to Buy Now? 左右为难

Stock To Buy US Singapore

Some Ein55 forum members may not take any action in stock market for 5-10 years which I can understand is to wait for global stock crisis. The current global stock crisis worth attention for long term or even life-time investors.

Global stock market experienced a mini roller coaster ride, major correction of 20-30% in 1 month, recovering about 10-20% in last 2 weeks, leading for US, following by China and Germany (Europe), lagging for Hong Kong and Singapore),So, for current global stock market, “To Buy or NOT to Buy Now” is $1 Million worth of question to many people, especially this could be 5-10 years opportunity, may not come back easily if missed. When positioned right, one could save 5-10 years of waiting time. When positioned wrong, one could lose more (buy low get lower). It is a dilemma when one is standing at a junction of the investing path (左右为难), especially for those who have not done any new entry yet on stock, not sure whether to take the risk or miss it totally.

I just worry that some readers may aim for very low (eg. STI to drop to 0% optimism or S&P 500 to drop to 25% optimism) which is Level 4 stock crisis. What if it never comes eventually (eg. Coronavirus may fade away by summer, V-shape recovery in global stocks and monthly economy).

If one only has 1 bullet for investment, I assume it is trend-following and we just observe the first signal (1 day above 20 days moving average of stock index prices for at least STI and S&P 500, likely for most global stock indices). Next signal may be another 10% higher stock price with 1 day above 50 days moving average of stock prices. Will the readers give up the opportunity because of worry this is technical rebound before falling to another bigger crisis?

To be frank, current “global stock crisis” is only Level 3.5 crisis, which is similar to Euro Debt Crisis or Asian Financial Crisis, a regional crisis affecting half of the world, but not yet for US (only a major correction from high optimism to mid optimism of fair price).

Since we don’t know the scale of crisis (depending on condition of Coronavirus), if one does not follow the price trend (eg bear to bull reversal), insisting to aim for the lowest point (eg. STI below 2000 points or S&P 500 below 1500 points), else no entry, may miss the opportunity if it is just a major correction.

Stock market US Europe Singapore Hong Kong China

Based on Coronavirus world / Singapore condition, Apr 2020 is likely the most severe, double the cases every 7 days (see my earlier article, “predicting” Singapore would double from 1000 to 2000 cases by this weekend, which is coming soon with record daily new high of 287 infected cases today). However, we have a few key references, proving that Coronavirus could fade away in about 4 months if proper lockdown and isolation at home is implemented for 1-2 months.

China – successful model (full cycle completed)

Korea – runner up, cycle nearly completed

Europe / Iran – 3rd place, downtrend for over 7 days

World (US, SG, Asia ex China and Korea) – last phase, some see early signal of 1-2 days downtrend but not stable.

If Coronavirus does not discriminate the country (assuming all follows similar way of 100% isolation at home), then there is a good chance to see positive results as China and Korea, even we don’t know the future. This is similar to stock investing, when we follow certain strategies, even we don’t know the future, the chances of winning are high but one need to take calculated risks (tolerance level is different for each person, some could not take even 1% “loss” for 1 day, regretting immediately after entry).

To compromise in between the fear of missing out (miss the chance if does not invest if the worst is already over) and fear of losing in greater crisis to come (buy low get lower), Ein55 readers may consider multiple entries as described in a few earlier articles.

Here are the summary of steps in 1 possible strategy for current stock market (sharing for educational purpose, please make your own decision):

1) What to Buy

Focus in global giant stocks, prefer 50% portfolio having at least >3-5% dividend yield as protection, in case if it crisis get worse from Level 3.5 (regional / 50% world) to Level 4 (global financial crisis) or even Level 5 (Great Depression, affecting world economy for 2-5 years, similar in scale as 1929 Great Depression), then investors could average down (but trend-following traders need to cut loss following the exit plan).

There are over 1500 global giant stocks (based on Dr Tee unique criteria of Giant Detector). Long term value investor (especially for contrarian investor) may focus more on dividend giant stocks, about 100 in the world. Trend-following traders or investors may focus on growth stocks (may not have dividend). Some could compromise in midfielder stocks on growth dividend giant stocks, having the best of 2 worlds, could invest (for dividend during winter low optimism market) and trade (for capital gains during spring with higher optimism market).

2) Capital Allocation – Multiple Entries

Set a few multiple entries point, decide how many bullets to trigger, could be (1 x 100%), (2 x 50%), (3 x 33%), (5 x 20%), (10 x 10%), etc.

If only 1 stock at 1 time due to limited capital, then reader may consider index ETF (allow diversification, eg S&P 500 ETF, Hang Seng Index ETF, MSCI World ETF or STI ETF, etc), not perfect but safer than only buy any individual stock.

3) First Entry

Trigger the first bullet when see the first signal acceptable to own criteria, eg. counter-trend (eg. when price is below 25% optimism or even coming to 0% optimism) or follow-trend (eg. when see higher high and higher low, or price is above 20 days moving average as a few days ago).

The beauty of trigger the first bullet is one would not worry of missing the boat (eg 1/5 capital may be positioned), even if stock market recovers without returning to lower prices than the first entry, at least the investor still has 1/5 gift from heaven, better than empty handed. Traders may average up to follow the trend after 1/5 is winning and signal becomes clearer, Coronavirus becomes weaker while global QE or stimulus plans could be more (nearly everyone will get Ang Pao or relief fund from local government).

When the first entry is position, an investor would have a reference to compare for next entry, either X% lower to buy more for value investor, or Y% higher to buy more for trend-following traders. X% and Y% could be aligned to own personality, eg 5 or 10%.

4) Remaining Entries (Conditional)

For remaining bullets, one may trigger based on strategies, either counter-trend (every 5-10% lower in prices from first entry, trigger second entry) which is more for investing, or follow-trend (eg. every 5-10% higher in prices from first entry, trigger second entry) which is more for trading.

For trading, needs to have S.E.T. in plan, including cut loss when down by X%, eg 5 or 10% (to protect yourself in case it is just a technical rebound over the past few 2 weeks, still can preserve capital to buy in next reversal signal after the second dip). For investing, lower prices is blessing in disguise as price is lower each time with higher dividend yield, therefore stronger holding power.

5) Hold (Monitor)

Review portfolio regularly, not just to check stock prices, also ensure business fundamental is within expected level (eg. for sectors directly affected by Coronavirus, likely will make a huge loss, may not consider even if they are still giant stocks based on current prices and FA till now which may not have Q1 FA yet).

6) Sell (Exit)

For exit strategies, it is a good problem to have as you probably have make money by then one day, worry if the profits may disappear one day if not sold on time or hoping for higher upside with more capital gains.

You could learn further from Dr Tee in future 6-day Ein55 course, currently focusing more on potential entries and risk management.


To a country government, probably need to spend 20% of yearly GDP in supporting economy (eg. pay for partial salary) 6-12 months but they could save 1-2 years of GDP (if falling to global financial crisis) or 3-5 years of GDP (if falling to Great Depression). When US stock market falls in last 1 month of crash, about US$12 Trillions was evaporated. So, QE of US$2 Trillions by Trump to save $12 Trillions of people’s wealth hidden in stock market is definitely a good deal (not to mention property market’s wealth which is not affected yet).

When S&P 500 is back to above 3000 points, STI is above 3000 points, global stock markets are back to 90% of original stock level, then global people would continue the bull market, win-win for all parties. Political economy has to consider popular support based on both stock market and economy. S&P 500 is report card of Trump, he only has time until summer (Jun – Aug) to show the report card above 3000 points again (possible as S&P 500 fells from 3300+ points to 2200+ points by 1/3, recovering to 2800 points today, only less than 10% upside away).

There is no need to worry if current stock market rally is dead cat bounce (Technical Rebound) or true recovery (worst is over, boat sailing off without return). Readers may just focus on what are known (intrinsic value vs price, optimism level, business fundamental, Coronavirus trend and successful experiences, government QE, etc – within 55 Ein55 investing styles) today to make a decision with calculated risks within tolerance limit (eg diversification over a portfolio of giant stocks, protected by dividend payment during potential long winter, position sizing, trend-following or simply cut loss when exceed the acceptable loss limit, etc).

I am not asking Ein55 readers to buy stocks now (sharing here is for education purpose, please make your own decision). I am urging all to use the free time at home this month to review your stocks, then taking the right actions (buy, hold, sell, wait, shorting) with strategies aligned to your personality. At least there is no regret when crisis is either over or becoming Level 4 or Level 5 crisis in future as you have planned for them. Even your decision is to do nothing now, it is also fine as you have given yourself a chance by reading until here.


Drop by Dr Tee free 4hr investment course to learn how to position in global giant stocks with 10 unique stock investing strategies, knowing What to Buy, When to Buy/Sell.

Learn further from Dr Tee valuable 7hr Online Course, both English (How to Discover Giant Stocks) and Chinese (价值投资法: 探测强巨股) options, specially for learners who prefer to master stock investment strategies of over 100 global giant stocks at the comfort of home.

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Stock Market (QE vs Coronavirus) 水火不容

stock market QE Coronavirus

Over the past 1 month of global stock crisis with 30% major correction to US stock market due to fear of both Coronavirus pandemic affecting the whole world and Crude Oil price war between OPEC and non-OPEC.

By right, it is nearly a mission impossible for global stock market to recover (eg. for S&P 500 to stand above 3000 points again). Trump’s most powerful opponent is not China nor Biden. It is the tiny Coronavirus which was still an underdog a few months ago when rising from China, but now becomes a deadly challenger to Trump’s second’s term US presidency.

“Water” and “Fire” are 2 extreme elements, never get along well (水火不容). Similarly, “Greed” and “Fear” are 2 human nature which affect the stock markets, eventually the global economy.

Trump is multi-billionaire businessman, understanding the importance of greed to stock market. So, unlimited Quantitative Easing (QE = printing money) combines forces with global QE by Q20 (through various ways of economic stimulus plans, including Singapore), providing liquidity (as if “water”) to investment markets and economy to fight against spreading of wild “fire” due to fear of Coronavirus, which results in weaker economy mainly due to reduced social networking, greatly affecting all sectors, especially transportation, retail, tourism, F&B, now virtually everyone when more countries are under lockdown.

QE is literally printing money or adding liquidity, naturally results in short term market rally, even if not even 1 cent is used yet. Greed could change the market overnight, changing from 5% daily drop to 5% daily rally for global stock market.

However, current “rally” in stock market is more suitable for trading (mid term) unless entry is positioned with long term value investing (consider price below the intrinsic value), able to resist the potential downside. “Greed” and “Fear” will exchange blows to stock market, until a stronger one would survive and stand for longer time.

Let’s understand the weapons of stock market “Greed” and “Fear” now.

Greed is supported by global QE. However, when global stock markets were over speculated over the past decade to high optimism > 75% (especially for US), after the Fear has come to correct to mid optimism of about 50%, it needs more silver bullets to be strong again. In the last global financial crisis (2008-2009 subprime crisis), a few trillions of dollars were pumped in during QE 1-4 during years 2009 – 2014 to revive the US economy with excitement of global stock markets.

Due to investment market and “greed inflation”, current global stock crisis would need more than 10 trillions of dollars to resolve (similar to addiction to drug, dosage is increased each time). So, Trump has found a smart way of “Unlimited QE” through the Fed to provide “unlimited greed” to the investment market, resulting in short term stock market rally.

There are 2 keys before summer (Jun-July) to determine the fate of Trump and global stock markets: Economy vs Coronavirus conditions.

Be careful of early Apr when the first set of monthly economic data is released, likely to show higher unemployment rate or lower GDP, then investors may be back to fear again. Job market is very crucial for global economy, especially for US. Until Feb 2020, unemployment rate of 3.5% is the best performance over the past 50 years, implying the downside is tremendous. For every 100 American, about 96 have jobs which salary could be used for spending (helping other businesses with stocks to grow) and investing (helping investment markets such as stock and properties to grow).

If Mar 2020 (first monthly data after Coronavirus and global stock market crisis, to be reported in early Apr) unemployment gets worse significantly, eg to 4-5% or higher, it means a downtrend economic cycle is initiated with less spending and less investing by No 1 economy, US, which contribute to over 50% of world economy and stock market values. After the retrenchment, usually it is hard to hire back in a short term and economy is slower in response, compared to stock market which could change overnight.

So, time is key now to Trump, only maximum 3 months (Mar – May) to stabilize the global stock market fear, firstly with silver bullets of unlimited QE. However, this is only half-time match, the ending would depends on whether Coronavirus could end on time by summer and even so, will it come come again every 6 months during winter, affecting the whole whole again before vaccine is developed in about 1 year.


Good news is Trump has a fair chance to win as Coronavirus dislikes warm temperature. Here is an update of Coronavirus condition in major countries (see my previous video on how to analyze):

1) China – 4 months Coronavirus period is confirmed, ending in Mar 2020. China people including Wuhan / Hubei have reopened the door of economy, busy making money again. This is the result after painful experience of lockdown of whole China for 2 months, with good practices continue to prevent future viruses.

2) Korea – was the second most severe country, Coronavirus would end in Apr after follow the lockdown model of China. This is the first proof outside China that Coronavirus could be controlled within about 4 months period with active intervention to minimize the death cases.

3) Italy is the most severe cases, considering the death number (actual infected cases could be more than China as mild cases were not diagnosed). Even so, after lockdown for a few weeks, last 5 days were showing downtrend in new daily cases, good chance to reach a peak by mid of Apr, ending in May.

4) Iran has been stable at high cases (growth is limited), social distancing could be a challenge, therefore infection may continue until more people to be infected before community immunity may be established to stop the spreading.

5) US/Europe is under high growth of Coronavirus, especially for US (major city like New York City with crowded population is high risk), over 13k cases each day, likely will exceed both China and Italy to have the highest number of infection. However, due to strong medical resources, US death rate is lower than China and Italy. However, US/Europe may have high growth in cases in Apr, fading in May, only then may end in Jun.

This is also true for countries like Germany and Singapore, so high infected number may not be a threat, more importantly spread over a longer period to ensure medical solution could be given.

6) Singapore and Southeast asia countries continue to follow the global trends (mainly US/Europe) with high growth. With total / partial lockdown, significant reduction would be observed in number of new daily cases as most new cases are imported cases due to return of residents infected from overseas.

7) Both Africa and India (second world largest population) may be slow in spreading of cases but Coronavirus treats everyone fairly. So, early intervention in India with strict measures would help to lower the death rate by slowing down the growth rate, similar strategy as in Singapore. Many people die in China Hubei and Italy, not due to high number of cases, but mainly due to lack of medical resources during the peak period.

In summary, there is fair chance for current on-going Coronavirus to end in summer (Jun-July). The turning point from high to slower growth rate (decline in new daily cases) is key for US as this is the first signal to see light at the end of tunnel, which would affect both stock and economy in US and whole world.

So, Trump could only help 50% with unlimited QE. The remaining 50% would need the opponent Coronavirus to fall itself. The results will be clear in summer but signals will be clearer each week from now to summer and stock market would reflect such probability of winning or losing through the stock prices.


In general, don’t focus on daily changes in share prices. Rather, one has to establish an overall strategy: long term investing, mid term trading or short term trading. Both long or shorting is possible but need to align with own personality.

In the current uncertain market with lower optimism in Asia stock market and mid optimism for US, it is relatively safe to apply long term value investing but entries have to be in batches (eg. 10% x 10 times, 20% x 5 times, 33% x 3 times, 50% x 2 times), averaging down and up with low optimism strategies across Level 1 (individual stocks), Level 2 (sectors), Level 3 (country) and Level 4 (world) over a portfolio of 10-20 global giant stocks.

If trading is applied, S.E.T. (Stop Loss / Entry / Target Prices) trading plan must be followed strictly but a challenge for retail traders in volatile market with +/- 5% in daily stock market.

If Coronavirus may end in summer, global stock market has reasonable chance to recover with support of global QE. If not, it may fall into depression with global financial crisis, especially if the same virus may come back again every winter, every 6 months to haunt the world. By then, vaccine in about 1 year of now would be key to prevent the global financial crisis falling into the great depression as it is serious when there is little social network (eg. shopping) for more than 1 year.

Dr Tee has cancelled all investment workshops in Feb-Apr 2020 during global stock crisis to follow the government rules with less gathering. This is a regret for some students as it is the best time in 10+ years to learn and apply crisis stock investing. So, I could only share through more regular articles and video education but it has limitation compared to a more comprehensive 4 hours workshop.

The next available free 4hr investment public workshop (with meet-up) by Dr Tee will be on 21 May 2020, you may register here before it is full:

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Investment Money Has Eyes (水涨船高)

Stock Investment Money

Money has “eyes”, will find its way through the global investment markets (stocks, properties, commodities, bond, forex, etc), looking for higher and quicker return in bull market (eg. stock and property markets with stronger economy); seeking safe haven market for safety during bear market (eg. more cash in bank or higher demand in bond market with weaker economy).

When investment market is fearful, fund with global money would flow from stocks to bonds (especially for Level 3 country level bond, eg. US treasury bond) due to safety, resulting in higher bond price, therefore lower bond yield. US 10 years treasury bond yield even dropped to about 0.5% during the recent flash stock market crash, recovering to around 1.1% recently, but still at historical low level.

A few key points on investment money flow:

1) US is No 1 world economy, a safe haven, despite lower interest rate (0%), USD is stronger during current bear market, therefore USD/SGD at high optimism, about 1.45 exchange rate. Similarly, usually emerging market currency would be stronger during a bull market. Forex traders or overseas investors (require forex consideration in stock or property investment) have to understand impact of economy and stock market, etc, on each pair of forex.

2) US government bond yield at 1% is no longer for investment, more for safety. Therefore, it is possible even for bond market to have major correction (price down, yield up) but only when confidence of country is affected and there is opportunity in stock market recovery, then fund would flow from bond market or cash (in bank or under pillow) to stock market again.

3) When market sentiment is fearful, even Level 1, individual bond (corporate bond) would suffer but bond has fixed income and guaranteed for principal upon maturity, therefore it is possible to invest in corporate bond with higher return (eg. over 5% bond yield) but need to focus on shorter term bond (<6-12 months to avoid higher risk during potential global financial crisis) with strong business fundamental (unlikely to default in bond, supported by strong asset, earning or cashflow with lower debt).

Current global stock market crisis (about 30% is US / Singapore, 40% in Europe) is only a stock crisis due to fear (technical recession with falling in stock prices), not yet a global financial crisis (with declining economy) but investor has to monitor very closely, especially the 2 black swans of Coronavirus condition and Crude Oil market price war, making crucial decision before summer (Jun-July 2020).

Since global Quantitative Easing (QE or printing of money) is back again, the natural balance among the investment markets would be affected. With QE, it is possible for both stock and bond market to rise (flooding of money) and drop (exit of QE) together, not necessarily opposite to each other (usually when there is no QE).

Recent global stock crisis is a major reversal of how the smart money may flow among the 5 major investment markets (cash in bank, stock, bond, property, commodity, forex).

Readers should take proactive actions in next few months, especially for stock market, many global giant stocks are at very attractive discount (some even more than 50% correction) but positioning requires a unique combination of counter-trend and trend-following strategies aligned with own personality.

Learn from Dr Tee free 4hr investment course to position in current global stock crisis: What stocks and other investments to Buy, When to Buy / Sell.

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Cyclic Investing Stock: DBS Bank

Cyclic Investing Stock DBS Bank

DBS Bank (SGX: D05) is the largest bank in Southeast Asia, an iconic national bank of Singapore with Temasek as major shareholder (29% ownership). DBS also owns POSB, a common people’s bank in Singapore. DBS is a cyclical stock, performance depends on economic cycle and global stock market cycle, sensitive to changes in global central banks interest rates.

Due to Coronavirus induced stock market crash over the past 1 month, the Fed has decided to cut US bank interest rates, firstly by 0.5%, then again by another 1%, dropping to historical low of 0-0.5%, hoping to stimulate and sustain the current US economy. Global central banks include Singapore are expected to follow the footstep to lower the domestic interest rates.

In general, banks have several ways to make money, there are 2 main types:

1) Interest related income

Main revenue is through the difference of deposit (eg. 1%) and loan (eg. 2%), or the Net Interest Margin (NIM) to make money from cash in and out the bank. Usually when interest rates are at higher level (eg. over the past 5 years), NIM will be relatively higher, therefore most banks (including DBS, OCBC, UOB) would make money easily. Therefore over the past few years, there is no strong need to read the quarterly financial reports of 3 major banks in Singapore as the interest related income would be higher naturally.

However, with the downtrend US interest rates from over 2% to 0% over the past 1+ year, bank stocks have to work harder in other revenue generator to maintain the profits.

2) Non-interest related Income

Traditional banks mostly make money from interest income but modern banks also depend on investment (bank could use the cash obtained at low interest to make investment for higher return), insurance (many banks also have insurance business, eg. OCBC with Great Eastern (SGX: G07), UOB Bank (SGX: U11) with United Overseas Insurance (SGX: U13), etc), credit card (now you may understand why you may have so many credit cards issued by various banks, including DBS / POSB).

During bullish economy, investment income could be significant, therefore usually bank stocks prices following the economic cycle, especially for DBS. About every 10 years, there will be a stock market cycle induced by a global financial crisis, eg. Year 1997-1998 (Asian Financial Crisis), Year 2003 (SARS/Gulf War), Year 2008-2009 (Subprime Crisis) and potentially Year 2020 (Coronavirus Crisis?) which is still on-going, still a mini bear at the moment.

In every global financial crisis (eg. Years 1997/2003/2009), we may observe some fearful people queue up in front of DBS bank (and also other banks), worry bank may go “bankrupt”, therefore would like to withdraw the money to keep “safely” at home. As a result, DBS share prices dropped to less than $10/share in these crisis, but recovering above $10 or even $20 when people forget again several years later.

Banks usually keep only a minimum sum of cash (could be less than 10%) for regular operations, lending out most of the cash to make money. If everyone comes to withdraw money (see many years ago during Euro Debt Crisis, photo showing some elderly people crying in weaker bank in Greece, not able to withdraw money), then even the strongest bank in the world may not able to give the cash on time. Therefore, bank with strong sponsor is crucial, especially for DBS bank backed by Temasek with Singapore government with AAA credit rating supporting behind.

So, a smart way of stock investing is to wait for DBS bank share to drop to less than $10/share again during the next global financial crisis or observe any long queue in front of DBS bank to withdraw money again (not a reliable way, just a form of Personal Analysis, PA, for confirmation if needed).

Currently DBS is about $18+, below critical $20/share support, share price is about 40% optimism, just below the fair price of $21. The Price-to-Book (PB) ratio has dropped below the historical low of 1, currently at 0.97 (about 3% discount, not much, but rarely happen to DBS). In order to buy at unfair price (may not be <$10), one has to follow optimism strategy to consider DBS bank at share price <25% Optimism, a few may even aim for 0% optimism to take full advantage of crisis as many other giant stocks.

Value investing is simple, knowing the value, then wait for the discount before buying the stock. Only difference is how much discount is sufficient may depend on individual, eg. DBS share prices at $20, $15, $10, $5 … However, when one is too greedy for the highest discount (eg. looking at historical low price which usually is not a good way as history may not repeat in this way), eg. buying DBS at $1/share, as probability is low (although not 0%). Assuming DBS may drop to $1/share, I doubt few people dare to buy the stocks then because there could be a crisis similar to the scale of 1929 Great Depression.

In short, Buy Low enough (Sell High in future for cyclic stock such as DBS), no need to buy at the lowest (else one may miss the perfect timing, totally lose the investment opportunity). A smart investor may also integrate with trading to avoid buy low get lower to buy undervalue stocks during bear market. For further risk management, one may consider 10-20 giant stocks to buy strong fundamental stocks in 10 different sectors or countries for diversification, even if DBS really go “bankrupt” one day, the potential loss is controlled within 5-10% of investment portfolio.

There are 30 Banking & Finance stocks in Singapore (an investor needs to focus only on giant stocks) with DBS Bank as the leader:
AMTD IB OV (SGX: HKB), B&M Hldg (SGX: CJN), DBS Bank (SGX: D05), Edition (SGX: 5HG), G K Goh (SGX: G41), Global Investment (SGX: B73), Great Eastern (SGX: G07), Hong Leong Finance (SGX: S41), Hotung Investment (SGX: BLS), IFAST Corporation (SGX: AIY), IFS Capital (SGX: I49), Intraco (SGX: I06), Maxi-Cash Finance (SGX: 5UF), MoneyMax Finance (SGX: 5WJ), Net Pacific Finance (SGX: 5QY), OCBC Bank (SGX: O39), Pacific Century (SGX: P15), Prudential USD (SGX: K6S), Singapore Exchange (SGX: S68), SHS (SGX: 566), Sing Investments & Finance (SGX: S35), Singapore Reinsurance (SGX: S49), Singapura Finance (SGX: S23), TIH (SGX: T55), Uni-Asia Group (SGX: CHJ), UOB Bank (SGX: U11), UOB-KAY HIAN HOLDINGS (SGX: U10), UOI (SGX: U13), ValueMax (SGX: T6I), Vibrant Group (SGX: BIP).

DBS is a good cyclic bank stock which also pay dividend consistently (currently over 6% dividend yield) if one could align with market cycle, applying optimism strategies. DBS is not suitable for growth investing (OCBC Bank (SGX: O39) could fit better). So, selection of right stock with right strategy with unique personality is key for investment success.

Instead of watching for long withdrawal queue in DBS (not a reliable investing method), smart investors may learn from Dr Tee free 4hr investment course to apply LOFTP (Level / Optimism / Fundamental / Technical / Personal Analysis) Strategies in global giant stocks (including banks stronger than DBS), knowing what to buy, when to buy/sell or how long to hold.
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Risk Management for Stock Investment (三足鼎立)

Risk Management for Stock Investment

In stock or any investment, before aiming for rewards, one should consider the potential risks first:

– what are the threats (poor business, bearish price, weak economy, etc)

– how it may fail (high debt, cashflow issue, political / legislation, etc)

– how likely it may fail (record of proven business, economic moat, etc)

– when it may fail (global financial crisis, business crisis, etc)

– how bad is the potential loss (0%, 10%, 50%, 90%, 100%)

.. and many more factors to consider.

From physics point of view, an object only needs 3 legs to be supported in a stable position (三足鼎立), similar to stock investment with diversification over 3 chances:

– 3 Minimum Analysis: FTP (FA + TA + PA) = Fundamental / Technical / Personal Analysis with comprehensive views

– 3 countries of stocks: minimize regional crisis

– 3 sectors of stocks: minimize sector crisis

– 3 timing of entries (at low optimism) / exits (at high optimism): minimize surprises at certain period

– 3 types of stock players (defender – dividend, midfielder – dividend + capital gains, striker – capital gains): well-balanced investment team

– 3 timeframes – Short term (ST), Mid term (MT), Long term (LT): full coverage of trading and investment period

– 3 prices in SET in trading plan: Stop Loss / Entry / Target Prices

– 3 actions: Buy / Sell / Do nothing (Hold or Wait)

…and many more “3 legs” in risk management

Learn from Dr Tee free 4hr course to consider both rewards and risks for different types of investment (stocks, properties, commodities, forex, bonds) with 10 unique trading and invest strategies. Register Here:

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Stop Financial Virus with Probability Investing System

Stop Financial Virus with Probability Investing System

Extreme isolation measures over the past 6 weeks in China Hubei has proven that spreading of Coronavirus could be terminated or reduced (if 0 data reported so far a few cities is still considered unbelievable by some people) after a period of time when breaking the people into “units” of family, the risk, if any, will be within this family. This concept is similar to “curfew” to limit the actions of people (eg. staying home at night) to minimize the possible instability.

This strict method (including locked down of city and staying at home with permit required to go out) could work in China or probably a few other countries with strong power of government authority and more obedient or understanding (politically correct term) people. In Europe (especially) and US with more “democracy”, these extreme measures may not work as people may not follow. Just read that some Italian people use the opportunity of no school (should stay at home) to gather in crowded cafe.

Democracy usually comes with a price. When rules (eg. Coronavirus prevention) are not followed by some people, the entire system could fail, all people would suffer together.


Similarly for stock investment and trading, risk management is critical. Similar “isolation” measure could be done for stocks through position sizing (trading) or diversification (for investing) to limit the maximum loss when unexpected risk is encountered. This will help to prevent the financial “virus” (eg. market fear) to spread easily and “infect” all the stocks.

If a trader or investor could follow the rules strictly, eg. SET = Stop Loss, Entry & Target Prices, the potential loss could be limited within individual risk tolerance level, preventing from evolving into bigger loss of entire capital when holding to loss position (loss aversion personality).

Stock market and Coronavirus have many similarities, both are unpredictable but when certain rules are applied, higher probability outcome will likely to happen, even no one would know the future. For example, recommended practices such as washing hands more often, avoiding crowded places, etc, could help to reduce the chances of infection.

This is similar to filter out stocks with potential red flags (eg. high debt, unclear business outlook, etc), financial risk of stock could be reduced significantly. At the same time, if one could look for giant stocks with strong business fundamental and uptrend share prices with technical analysis, the probability of success in stocks would be even higher.

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Warren Buffett Investment Styles Evolution

Warren Buffett Investment Styles Evolution

Warren Buffett has gradually adjusted his investment styles over the past few decades. In the early years, he applied more on value investing to buy stocks at discount. Then he gathered more stocks with steady business but slower growth (eg. Wal-mart, Coca-Cola, etc).

However, Berkshire is a listed investment company, Warren Buffett has to “evolve” to increase the growth rate of investment. Therefore, it is not a surprise when we see Warren Buffett started to invest in technology company (eg. IBM and Apple) for higher potential return. Despite he is not a technology person (he usually said don’t invest in something you don’t know), he could still make a decision through the financial reports of there technology companies.

Similarly, Warren Buffett has significant investment in airlines stocks as the cyclic stocks could give higher capital gains through longer term cyclic trading or mid-term investing for a few years. Warren Buffett enjoyed tremendous gain in the past in “trading” PetroChina, Buy Low Sell High in 4 years.

So, just be yourself, no need to copy other people’s best method, eg Warren Buffett styles. Before any investment, reviewing own past history of investment performance (reasons for successes or failures), leveraging on other people’s proven strategies, integrate and reshape into own unique stock investment and trading strategies, John or Mary’s Styles.

The only thing not changed is change itself. It is fine for retail investors and traders to adjust own styles over the years when one has identify the “sweet spot” which one is comfortable, eg. “buying a portfolio giant stocks at discounted price during crisis to collect dividends and waiting appreciation of share price over the decades with quarterly monitoring of business performance.”

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Bond Market vs Stock Market vs Cash

Bond Market vs Stock Market vs Cash

Bond, especially country level, usually is considered safe haven, therefore bond prices have been climbing up over past 4 decades (since the major correction in 1980s), resulting in extremely low bond yield, eg. only 0.74% for 10 years US treasury yield (dip due to 0.5% interest rate cut recently) while Singapore Saving Bonds is 2.12% for 10 years, how to fight against inflation which is average 2-3% yearly?

When global investors are afraid of stock market (not so bullish), then there is demand for bond, then it may not easily crash even prices are very high with little yield. However, when bond yield is so low (near to 0%) and there is increasing inflation, then money may escape from bond market to consider other higher risk and higher potential return market (eg. stock or property).

In general, corporate bond (especially with giant stock and strong business fundamental) is a better choice than country bond (yield is too low, safety could not justify the investment for long term) but focusing on short term bond (less than 12 months) to minimize the risk of possible bond market meltdown in future.

For bond, focus is more on safety (against risk of default) vs return (bond coupon rate). For stock, focus is on capital gains through business growth with consideration of share price which affects the investment yield. A smart investor would integrate stock and bond analysis through the common business. Focus mainly on giant bonds with giant stocks.

Cash is King when an investor has the capital to invest at the right time. However, when waiting period is too long, cash could only get little return (eg. bank interest of 1-2%). So, a balance is needed for percentage of cash (opportunity fund), stocks (especially holding for longer term investing to collect dividend with capital gains) and bond (for stability, either in stronger corporate or countries).

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Impact of Central Bank Interest Rate Cut on Global Stocks

Impact of Interest Rate Cut

For most countries, cutting central bank interest rate is an easy way to help weaker economy. However, there is a limit, eg from current 2.5%, still could allow further 10 times 0.25% cut for Malaysia.

For US, the Fed just cut interest rate by 0.5% from 1.5-1.75% to 1.25-1.5%, only left 5 times 0.25%, before falling to negative interests rate as in Japan and Europe.

Interest rate cut in bear market or weaker economy (eg Malaysia) is a danger signal. Buy low may get lower for stock market. In general, Malaysia has 2% higher bank interest rate than Singapore. However, the gap now is narrower to only 1% difference. Bank stocks in Malaysia would suffer due to smaller NIM (net interest margin), therefore trend of share price has been bearish.

Interest rate cut in bull market or strong economy (eg US) could help to prolong the 11 years bull run but more suitable for short term traders as US stock market is unstable at high optimism, any black swan (eg Coronavirus, surprises in 2020 US presidential election, China economy slowdown affecting the whole world, etc). If the short term stock market in US is recovered or even achieve another new historical high in near future, both traders and investors may need to seriously plan for exit strategy with trend-following strategies.

Last 2 years of interest rate cut in US is a preventive measure to sustain the bullish economy against any potential market threat. However, the bullets left are limited for the Fed to cut the interest rate further, implying QE (Quantitative Easing) may be the limited few weapons left for future global financial crisis at the expense of inflation with depreciation in currency, etc.

Negative interest rate is not the end of the world (could be a shock) as Europe and Japan have experienced, could become a norm in future. However, central banks of countries would need to print money with QE or leveraging on other stimulus plans during next global financial crisis.

So, holding cash for long term without investment (stock, property, commodity, etc) would lose to inflation with low interest rate for long term in future. Bond also has gloomy future due to sibling low bank interest rate.

There is no free lunch in the world. Market gets the reward (interest rate cut) first, implying future has to pay back in other ways.

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Perfect Storm – Global Spreading of Coronavirus

Perfect Storm

Second Wave – global spreading of Coronavirus, potential chain reactions in stock market:
-> regional fear of Coronavirus
-> global fear of health crisis
-> L4 stock from high to mid to low optimism
-> global financial crisis

Fear driven by US, No 1 economy needs special attention as it affects over 50% global stocks.

Last 1 month when Coronavirus was serious in China, Singapore and Asia, the local Asian fear were insufficient to affect the US or global stock market due to small size of Asian stock market.

In summary, safer to position as short term trend-following trader or investor. A mini bear could be a correction but also could evolve into a big bear.

Sars in 2003 was regional (mostly Asia) and occured at L4 world stock market low optimism, therefore impact was limited to global stocks as potential of falling further is limited.

This time in year 2020, Coronavirus is less deadly than Sars but spreading globally (even to Africa, the only safe continent is Antarctica but no one could confirm as it is too cold there), causing global fear, having potential to be a black swan to trigger global financial crisis if the condition could not be controlled by summer (before May) as currently L4 world stock market and L3 US stock market are at high optimism.

It usually only takes 6-12 months to drop from high to low optimism, therefore Coronavirus has to be controlled globally (reaching 95-99% peak as the development in China and Singapore) within 3 months by end of May, else the more “deadly” global financial crisis may be triggered, especially if US is badly affected.

Coronavirus may not be so deadly, 1% people may die. Global financial crisis could be more deadly, both short term (see the news, even millionaire or billionaire who could not control greed may lose financially, a few ending own lives eventually) and long term (eg depression over finance condition, especially if investing in junk speculative stocks which may not recover at all after the crisis).

Back to the source, China is showing declining trend (less than 1% new daily cases), following by Singapore (stable to downtrend, about 0-3 new daily cases in last 1 week, about 1-2% new daily cases). If global countries follow similar measures as China and Singapore over the last 1 month (eg restrictive travelling, public health education, quick action on isolation for infected cases, etc), it is possible for the rest of world to take another 1-2 months (by end of Apr) to reach its 95-99% peak as well.

If the virus cannot be avoided, then the second best goal is to minimise the impact. Action is important, similar to fight against Coronavirus and also to face the global financial crisis which may be like an emerging virus, we won’t know how deadly is this black swan but early action (ok to be considered kiasi or kiasu) would help (eg, exit as a short term investor when the loss is more than the risk tolerance level). Same as Coronavirus, we need to stay alive in stock market by preserving the capital unless investing in a portfolio of global giant stocks, then one could have the option to hold through the financial crisis, similar to Warren Buffett style of buy low & hold.

Meanwhile, Malaysia is tougher, having 3 potential crisis at the same time: Coronavirus, stock market and political. Hope this is not the perfect storm. Learn to convert crisis into stock investment opportunity:

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