5 Global “Ah Seng” Giant Stocks

There is a question asked about 5 “Ah Seng” global dividend giant stocks shared by me during the charity course. Interested Ein55 graduates, you may login to Ein55 Graduate Network, I have given details of these 5 Ah Seng giant stocks there, could be positioned either as mid-fielder or defender in investment portfolio. For these 5 Ah Seng giant stocks, 2 are Singapore Ah Seng stocks, 2 are Malaysia Ah Seng stocks, 1 is Hong Kong Ah Seng stock. Perhaps you could guess a few of them.

For Singapore Property Sector (mostly undervalue stocks, some were covered in Discounted NAV stock charity course before), besides Ah Seng (Chip Eng Seng, SGX: C29), there are also other traditional stocks with common Chinese names:

Ah Lian + Ah Beng = Lian Beng (SGX: L03)

Ah Huat = Low Keng Huat (SGX: F1E)

Ah Lian = Sim Lian (delisted a few years ago)

Ah Lian + Ah Seng = Hock Lian Seng (SGX: J2T)

The names of Singapore property stocks show that founders of companies are quite traditional (could be more reliable and trustworthy), operating the business in an honest way.

Name of stock is not critical. More importantly, it must be a giant stock with strong business fundamental. Regardless Ah Beng or Ah Seng, the one could make money in business consistently is a good giant stock to consider for investment.

Learn from Dr Tee free 4hr stock investment course on global giant stocks to invest (What to Buy, When to Buy / Sell). Register Here: www.ein55.com

Dr Tee Investment Course (Stock, Property, Commodity, Forex, Bond)