Key Learning Summary of Ein55 Fundamental Analysis Course #1

Fundamental Analysis Course
The Ein55 students have learned the details of Fundamental Analysis Course #1 from Ein55 Mentor Kee Min, understanding how to analyse for giant stocks with strong business fundamental.
I have reviewed the course feedback which are very positive, including sharing by Boon Sim: “This course clearly explains the critical information in financial statements and illustrates with recent real life examples on how to use fundamental analysis integrating with Ein55 styles to invest successfully. The strategies and experience on successful cases/ pitfalls shared during the course is valuable.”
Here is the key summary of Fundamental Analysis Course #1:
7 Steps Analysis Method
1) Company Overview
– Company Structure, Main Products / Services, Management, Competitors, etc.
2) Historical Profitability
– Positive uptrends of earning, cashflow, profit margin, etc.
3) Dividend Analysis
– Free Cashflow > Dividend
4) Leverage Analysis
– Debt/Equity < 1, Cash, etc.
5) Business Analysis
– SWOT (Strength / Weakness / Opportunities / Threat), Economic moat, etc.
6) Present Valuation
– Optimism + TA (Technical Analysis)
7) Exit and Entry plan
– PA (Personal Analysis) with systematic trading plan
Fundamental Analysis Course
Warren Buffett mentioned “It is better to buy a wonderful company at fair price than a fair company at a wonderful price”. We can sieve out wonderful companies through studying the fundamentals of a company. In combination with EIN55 optimism method, we will be able to create a strategy that will guide us in buying wonderful companies at wonderful prices.
Dr Tee provides free high-quality investment education regularly to the general public, including Business Analysis (BA), Fundamental Analysis (FA), Technical Analysis (TA), Optimism Analysis (OA) and Personal Analysis (PA). The knowledge could help a person for a lifetime, after mastering the right skills of stock investment. Register Below.
Dr Tee Investment Course (Stock, Property, Commodity, Forex, Bond)